
Journal Papers

[2024] Nela, B., Jimenez Rios, A., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Masonry Arches Simulations Using Cohesion Parameter as Code Enrichment for Limit Analysis Approach, International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, Special Issue: Recent Trends in Historic Masonry Building Assessment Principles Models Methods and Practices, vol.9, nos. 1/2, pp.80-95, 2024 doi: 10.1504/IJMRI.2023.10053576

[2023] Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Pasca, M., Limit analysis of multi-ring masonry arches: A parametric study on the effects of friction angle, geometry, interlocking, and ring number, Frontiers in Built Environment: Computational Methods in Structural Engineering, Special Issue: Methods and Applications in Computational Methods in Structural Engineering, vol.9, 2023, doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2023.1309696

[2023] Jimenez Rios, A., Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Parametric analysis of masonry arches following a limit analysis approach: Influence of joint friction, pier texture, and arch shallowness, Mathematics and  Mechanics of Solids, 2023, doi: 10.1177/10812865231175385

[2022] Nela, B., Jimenez Rios, A., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Limit analysis of locally reinforced masonry arches, Engineering Structures, 2022, 271, 114921 doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114921

[2022] Jimenez Rios, A., Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Rotation and sliding collapse mechanisms for in plane masonry pointed arches: statistical parametric assessment, Engineering Structures, 2022, 262, 114338, doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114338

[2021] Oliveira, D.V., Nela, B., Vila-Cha, E., Muniz, N., Banasco, B., Gajjar, P.N., Structural analysis of the Barro Romanesque Church, Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, III, n17, pg.61-70, url:

Conference Papers

[2024] Nela, B. , Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Experimental and Numerical Investigations for the Assesment of Historical Masonry Arches over Piers, ECCOMAS 2024 - 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, MS137 New Trends in Computational Modelling of Masonry Material and Structures (3-7 June 2024), Lisbon, Portugal Ed: D. Addessi, M. Cervera, R. Esposito, D. Oliveira, J. Rots and E. Sacco, link: ECCOMAS24

[2023] Nela, B. (presenting author), Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., A parametric study for the konferenca structural assessment of multi-ring masonry arches considering influencing factors, ICCEIE 2023 - International Conference on Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment (28-29 Oct 2023), Prishtina, Kosova, Ed: Edmond Hajrizi, doi: 10.33107/ubt-ic.2023.1, ISBN: 978-9951-550-95-6

[2023] Nela, B. (presenting author), Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Parametric analysis of multi-ring arches, ECCOMAS YIC23 - 7th Young Investigators Conference, Ed: Paolo Di Re, Cristina Gatta, Nicola A. Nodargi, CSSM04 – Computational modeling of masonry structures: innovative approaches and open challenges (19-21 June, 2023), Porto, Portugal, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8393048, link: Proceedings

[2023] Nela, B., Kaqi, V., Kabashi, N., Structural response of the masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames: A numerical approach, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings of the International Conference of Civil Engineering (18-20 May, 2023), Tirana, Albania, Ed: Neritan Shkodrani, link: ICCE2023 CMCE07

[2023] Kaqi, V., Nela, B., Kabashi, N., Retrofitting of reinforced concrete column with externally bonded FRP mesh- Comparison and Numerical Methods, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings of the International Conference of Civil Engineering (18-20 May, 2023), Tirana, Albania, Ed: Neritan Shkodrani, link: ICCE2023_CMCE06

[2023] Nela, B. (presenting author), Rios, A.J., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., On the influence of pier texture, arch shallowness and joint friction following a limit analysis approach for curved masonry, RMMR 2023 - Rilievo, Modellazione, Monitoraggio e Risanamento di volte e cupole in muratura (17 Feb 2023), Cagliari, Italy, Ed: A.M. Cazzani, E. Reccia, V. Pintus, link: RMMR23

[2022] Nela, B. (presenting author), Rios, A.J., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., A limit analysis approach to the assessment of masonry arch structures under the influence of fundamental parameters, ICCEIE 2022 - International Conference on Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment (29-30 Oct 2022),  Prishtina, Kosova, Ed: Edmond Hajrizi, p. 251, doi: 10.33107/ubt-ic.2022.1, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7580693, ISBN: 978-9951-550-50-5

[2022] Nela, B. (presenting author), Rios, A.J., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Limit analysis for masonry arches: influence of pier texture, arch shallowness and joint friction, XXV AIMETA Convegno - MS03 Masonry Modelling and Analysis: From material to structures (4-8 Sep 2022), Palermo, Italy, Ed: D.Addessi, G.Castellazzi, F.Clementi, G.Milani, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7579527

[2021] Nela, B. (presenting author), Pingaro, M., Rios, A.J., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Masonry simulations using cohesion parameter as code enrichment for a non-standard limit analysis approach, MuRiCo 7 - 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened With Composite Materials - MS04 Seismic assessment and retrofitting of masonry structures with composite materials (24-26 Nov 2021), Bologna, Italy, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7496239

[2021] Selmani, F., Nela, B., Archistructures - Back to origins, ICASP 2021 - International Conference on Architecture and Spatial Planning & ICCEIE 2021 - International Conference on Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment (29-30 Oct 2021), Prishtina, Kosova, Ed: Edmond Hajrizi, p. 196 & 241, doi: 10.33107/ubt-ic.2021.31, ISBN: 978-9951-550-47-5

[2021] Oliveira, D.V., Nela, B., Vila-Chã, E., Muñiz, N., Bañasco, B., Gajjar, P.N., Structural Assessment of the Barrô Romanesque Church, CONREA 2021 - Congresso da Reabilitação (29 June- 01 July 2021), Aveiro, Portugal, Chr: Chairs: Humberto Varum & Romain Sousa, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7579955

[2020] Nela, B. (presenting author), Rucci, F., Design upgrade for the hybrid glulam-steel roof structure of the sports hall for the new High School in Graçanica, ICCEIE 2020 - International Conference on Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment (31 Oct 2020), Prishtina, Kosova, Ed: Edmond Hajrizi, p. 83-89, doi: 10.33107/ubt-ic.2020.81, ISBN: 978-9951-437-96-7

[2020] Nela, B. (presenting author), Bláha, J., Structural assessment of the south-west wing timber roofs of the Loreta in Prague, BCCCE 2020 - 4th International Balkans Conference on Challenges in Civil Engineering (18-19 December 2020), Tirana, Albania, Ed: E.Luga, E.Mustafaraj, J.Keci, p. 93-103, ISBN: 978-9928-135-37-7 url:

[2019] Nela, B. (presenting author), Rucci, F., Structural Investigations for the Refurbishment Project of the Municipal Building of Gjakova, ICCEIE 2019 - International Conference on Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment (26 October 2019), Prishtina, Kosova, Ed: Edmond Hajrizi, p. 37-43, doi: 10.33107/ubt-ic.2019.182, ISBN: 978-9951-550-19-2

[2019] Nela, B., Bláha, J., Kloiber, M., Kunecký, J, The analysis of the timber roofs of the Loreta in Prague, SHATIS ’19 - 5th International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures (25 September 2019), Guimãraes, Portugal, Ed: J.Branco, H.Sousa & E.Poletti, p. 217-228, ISBN: 978-989-54496-2-0

[2019] Nela, B. (presenting author), Grajçevci, F., Numerical Approach: FEM Testing of Masonry Specimens with different bond configurations of units, CMN 2019 - Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (1-3 July 2019), Guimãraes, Portugal, Ed: Paulo B. Lourenço, p. 962-978, ISBN: 978-989-54496-0-6

[2017] Kabashi, N., Krasniqi, C., Nela, B., Kaqi, V., Structural analysis of a concrete elements strengthened with FRP using different Codes and Manuals, ICCE 2017 - Proceedings of the International Conference of Civil Engineering (12-14 October 2017), Tirana, Albania, Ed: Gëzim Hasko, ISBN: 978-9928-4429-2-5

Data Repository

[2024] ZENODO: Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Data from the validation of experimental large scale tilting table results with the in-house ALMA limit analysis code for the case of walls with different texture and aspect ratio, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10625344

[2024] ZENODO: Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Data from the validation of experimental small scale tilting table results with the in-house ALMA limit analysis code for the case of piers and arches over piers, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10620921

[2024] ZENODO: Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Data from the limit analysis of masonry piers with random internal texture, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10580715

[2023] ZENODO: Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of multi-ring masonry arches using a limit analysis approach for the span of 7m, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8370053

[2023] ZENODO: Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of multi-ring masonry arches using a limit analysis approach for the span of 5m, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8370031

[2023] ZENODO: Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of multi-ring masonry arches using a limit analysis approach for the span of 3m, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8369933

[2022] ZENODO: Rios, A.J., Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Data from theparametric analysis of masonry buttressed arches with limit analysis subjected to vertical self-weight plus a proportional concentrated vertical live load applied at mid-span, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6811832

[2022] ZENODO: Rios, A.J., Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of masonry buttressed arches with limit analysis subjected to vertical self-weight plus a proportional concentrated vertical live load applied at quarter-span, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6811797

[2022] ZENODO: Rios, A.J., Nela, B., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of masonry buttressed arches with limit analysis subjected to vertical self-weight plus a proportional horizontal live load, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6811858

[2021] ZENODO: Rios, A.J., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Nela, B., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of masonry pointed arches with limit analysis subjected to vertical self-weight plus a vertical concentrated live load, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5146866

[2021] ZENODO: Rios, A.J., Pingaro, M., Reccia, E., Nela, B., Trovalusci, P., Data from the parametric analysis of masonry pointed arches with limit analysis subjected to vertical self-weight plus a proportional horizontal live load, Data Set, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5146824

Grants & Research Projects

[2022] "Enhanced Strategies for Study the Behavior of Historical Masonry Structures: Numerical Modeling, Laboratory Tests and Green Retrofitting Strategies", Progetti di Ricerca - Progetti Medi, Rome Italy. Role: Investigator | € 10,000.00

[2022] Scholarship for "Strategic growth of young professionals through financial support for cultural heritage studies in the field of Cultural Heritage for the year 2023", Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Prishtina Kosova. | € 8,251.00

[2022] Scholarship for "Doctoral studies support in the Top 500 best Universities in the World", Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Prishtina Kosova. | € 8,500.00

[2021] "Computational Mechanical Modelling and Laboratory Testing Campaign Towards Non-intrusiveness Principle for Heritage and Monumental Masonry Structures", Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca - Tipo 1, Rome Italy. Role: Principal Investigator (PI) | € 1,000.00

[2021] "Advanced Methods for the Mechanical Modeling of Heritage Structures. Materials Characterization, Health Monitoring, Safety Assessment and Conservation Issues", Progetti di Ricerca Grandi - Progetti Grandi, Rome Italy. Role: Investigator | € 50,000.00

[2021] Scholarship for "Doctoral studies support in the Top 500 best Universities in the World", Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Prishtina Kosova. | € 7,500.00

[2016] 1st place in the Engineering and Architecture Competition "Frozen Music" - "Sustainability and Efficiency in Engineering and Architecture", Kosovo CSR Network and Sharrcem, Prishtina Kosova. | € 15,000.00


[2024] "Geometry-based Assessment Techniques for Historical Masonry Structures: Numerical and Experimental Approach", Sapienza Univesity of Rome (Italy), Supervisor: Prof. Patrizia Trovalusci Co-supervisor: Dr. Marco Pingarolink

[2018] "The analysis of the timber roofs of the Loreta in Prague", Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), Supervisor: Prof. Jiří Bláha, link

[2018] "Masonry infill influence on the bearing capacity of the Reinforced Concrete Frames: Numerical modelling approach", University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" (Kosovo), Supervisor: Dr. Florim Grajçevci, link

[2014] "Projekti i konstruksionit të një shtëpie banimi", University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" (Kosovo), Supervisor: Dr. Kadri Morina


fib International Federation for Structural Concrete

ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites

IIWC ICOMOS International Wood Committee 

AIMETA Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata

AICO Associazione Italiana Compositi

DOCOMOMO Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement

IStructE Institution of Structural Engineers

NODYCON Nonlinear Dynamics Conference